Digital photograph Luke Strikeleather 
Full name Luke Stikeleather
Profession CO Certified Orthotist, specializing in scoliosis bracing
Actual professional positions President of Scoliosis Solutions, LLC Fairfax, Virginia
Short biographical notes (300 words) Luke completed the Orthotic certificate program at Northwestern University, School of Medicine, in 1987 and was certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics in 1989. While his clinical experience has included all aspects and orthotic care, he has exclusively specialized in the treatment of paediatric scoliosis and spine deformities since 2004. He is a member of SOSORT and an associate member of the SRS.
Award received (Year, title of the scientific work, awarding institution) 0
Medline published papers (number) 0
Book chapters 0
Book 0
5 most important Medline papers (copy and paste reference from Medline) 0
SOSORT 2012 General Secretariat: